“Maybe I should just forget about this pipe dream of being an artist, and get a regular job again!”
That’s what I told my wife in the summer of 2009.
Earlier that year, I decided to go “all-in,” full-time as an artist…after losing my job as a service technician trainer at Filterqueen, a vacuum/filtration company. My job was downsized because of the Great Recession. After an insightful (and uncomfortable) conversation with my mother-in-law, I decided to not look for a job, but rather pursue my dream of being a professional artist.
I had wanted to for years. “What is it that you think God has called you to do?” she asked. She noticed that I didn’t like my current job, and was almost always on the road—never home for my wife and young children.
“I’ve always wanted to be a full-time artist,” I said.
“Well, why aren’t you doing it, then?” she probed.
“Um, because I’m afraid my bills won’t get paid,” I replied reluctantly.
“What?! You can trust God to meet your needs?”
It was like a dagger to the heart.
This conversation took place PRIOR to my boss deciding to let me go. So, even though I didn’t see that coming, I knew I had a green light to pursue my career as an artist. I went all in!
Immediately, after letting people know that this was my new path in life, I was commissioned to do a painting for a friend at church. He wanted an illustration of the “Greatest Commandment” (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.) This is what I painted for him. Here is that painting, a 24″ x 30,” acrylic on canvas.
It was like God was confirming, YES, this is my path for you. Roll with it!
Things went well for a few months. I got more commissions. It looked like it was only up from here.
But then…
…the “brook dried up.” Kind of like Elijah, in the way God provided for Him, and then, there was nothing. He was thirsty. He was in need.
I felt like that. No commissions, no income. Now what?
Soon, I got a call from my landlord. I hadn’t paid rent that month.
“When will you be sending the rent money?” he asked. Not an unreasonable question.
I had a pit in my stomach like a stone. What would I do? My family was counting on me. I had a wife and two young children.
Clearly, I remember it. My wife and I had a conversation up in my little 9″ x 13″ bedroom—my studio. And that’s when I told Leah, I was thinking of quitting being a full-time artist. And getting a job again.
She looked me right in the eyes. “Matt, I don’t care if we struggle financially. But if you don’t do what God has called you to do, then I’ll be mad at you!”
“What do we do, then?” I replied back. “Rent is overdue, and we don’t have it. Not even close.”
“We need to pray,” she said, “and fast.”
“How long?”
“As long as it takes!” My wife doesn’t mince words.
So we did. We prayed and sought God like never before. We had no one else to turn to. As I prayed—in our kitchen—I had this very clear thought:
“Matt, what would you do if you had the rent money in your hands, right now?”
I felt that it was God speaking to me.
“Well, I would be really happy. I would be thanking You. I would be praising You!” I said.
“Do that right now, then.”
“Thank you, Lord, for the rent money.” I lifted up my hands.
And as I said that, I felt as if I literally DID have the rent money in my hands! I felt this download of joy, right from heaven.
“Leah, we’re done praying. God has answered us. We have the rent money.”
Later that week at church, a guy came up to me out of the blue. He said, “Matt, I’d like to commission you to do some artwork for me. I don’t know for sure what I want done yet, I’ll have to give you a picture later, but here’s a check to get you started.”
Wow! With that, and some other provision, we had the rent money in just a couple of days!
It was enough to keep me going on the path as a full-time artist.
I thank God for my wife, Leah. We’ve been married for 20 years. She’s put up with a lot. She wouldn’t let me quit as an artist, even when I wanted to so many times.
And so it is my delight to paint a portrait of her again.

I launched my first online painting class in 2017. Since that time, hundreds of students have taken that course, and so many have painted their own beautiful portrait, even with little experience! I feel like it’s time to do it again–new and improved. I’ll be launching this new version of “Paint Your First Amazing Acrylic Portrait” very soon.
Whatever your goal is as an artist, I’d like to encourage you too, just like my wife did for me. Maybe you don’t want to do art full time, but rather as a side hobby to paint beautiful portraits of those you love.
I’d like to cheer you on. And say, despite any voices to the contrary, YOU CAN DO IT.
I’ll be here to help you every step of the way, as much as I possibly can.
P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts below. Have you ever felt like quitting? What did you do? If you found this post, encouraging, please share it with a friend!
Wonderful story! You have a wife in a million, but you don’t need me to tell you that!
I really admire your faith, it must have taken a lot a great deal of courage to put your faith in God at that time. I’m so glad you did. May you go from strength to strength. We love you Matt
Thank you so much, Roberta! 🙂
Dear Matt, your email has just this moment came through as l am thinking of giving up myself. I started at the beginning of covid and there has been a number of major hurdles. I am retired and have lots of health issues. So much pain in my neck and head after recently having spinal surgery. I am very depressed everything seems to have gone downhill. My painting has gone badly. I just sit in my shed wondering what to do next?….. l have to see the consultant 17th November.He used titanium rod to join my neck & spine. Which is something he apparently doesn’t usually do. I couldn’t go through it all again if something is wrong with it. I got two blood clots on my lung at the same time now have copd!
Your painting classes have been brilliant. Thank you Nigel Gilson
Matt, you are so talented. I think I must have been one of your first students in 2017.
When I was looking for a class to take. God sent me yours. You are a true blessing.
Yes, I remember you, Joan! Blessings to you. 🙂
Hi Nigel, I’m sorry things have been going so badly for you. May God bring you comfort, peace, and healing through Jesus. These trials in our lives are so painful, but we can grow in them, just like it takes tension to make muscles grow. May this season of suffering pass you by quickly. Today as I write you are seeing the consultant. May God bless that meeting, give them wisdom on how to help you the very best they can. God can do the rest, and in fact, all of it!
I absolutely found this extremely encouraging. I am facing a similar situation with the trajectory of my career, and am now taking the action needed to change it, but it’s a little scary. We have to love what we do every day, and feel effective. You are an inspiration to many, including myself. I am not painting for a career, and do not plan to. Instead it is my solace and my therapy, and allows my creative side to show. My goal is to get back to basics with my career and do what I first aimed to accomplish in my teaching career, which is helping and motivating students with disabilities, and make more time for my love of painting.
Thank you for you encouragement.
I’m glad you found this encouraging, Frannie! Thanks so much for the king words. Yes, it is so much better to do what you’re called to do, even though it’s risky to step out in faith. May God bless you in your work of helping students with disabilities. That’s a good work and I know God will reward you as you put your heart and soul into it!
Hi Matt , I just finished reading your post, it’s a great testament to what God can do ! It’s an amazing story, one that will never grow old! …. Thanks for all you do for your fellow artists! 🖼️🎨
Thank you so much, Keith, for the encouragement over the years. Blessings to you!
Brilliant! How many times do we all lean only on ourselves? You set a mighty example for the Lord. Thank you, Matt!
My pleasure. Thank you so much, Emily, for the kind words. All glory to God!
You inspire me! Loved your story. Prayers for you and your wife s healing 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I hope to follow your class. Hard for me for health reasons but I am determined to improve my skills and am praying for healing too
God bless you and your family Matt . I did start with your classes back then also as much as I could and still struggle to do so. Looking forward to this class. The photo you chose is lovely.
Janice D’Ambrosio
Thank you, Janice. You’ve been following my work for a long time, and it’s always good to hear from you. May God bring healing to you as well, and of course, thank you for praying for us.
It’s refreshing to hear your faith in GOD. Also that your wife is. Is strong in her faith in GOD and you.
Thank you for sharing
God is good! Praise God for your wonderful wife & family. “May you prosper & be in health even as your soul prospers.” Pam
Thank you, Pam! And same to you. 🙂
Thank you Matt for your story.
You have been encouraging to all of us (you have my info.)
Thank you, Karen. You and Roger have been a blessing. It was wonderful, for a season, to illustrate your books. It was great provision for me and my family too.
What a beautiful testimony of God’s love and faithfulness! I’m looking forward to this class. God’s continued blessings on your and your family.
Wonderful! Looking forward to teaching you, Karen!
❤️❤️❤️ all praise to Abba Father thru Jesus!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for your story Matt. I love hearing testimonies of God’s goodness.
We are all blessed that you have persevered, and now you are inspiring many other’s not to give up – my wife and I included, even though I’m nearly 80 now, we started painting this February, thinking we were doing okay, and now, watching your videos has helped us to polish up and improve the way we have been working at the pieces. Thank you too that you share your faith openly and pray before all your lessons.
My pleasure, Garth! Glad to have been an encouragement to you in this. Thank you for sharing how my tips and techniques have helped you and your wife. It’s an encouragement to me too. I’ve seen your work in our FB group and it’s getting really good! So keep on going and sharing. Blessings!
Wonderful story, Matt, and very inspiring! I’m very glad you didn’t give up. I’ve learned so much from you.
Love those pictures of you as a young guy!!
Thanks, Rod! Amazing how time flies. 🙂
I feel like quitting every single day…. But I know that I know. It’s what keeps me going.
I struggle with the patience portion of this journey. I believe I have confirmation yet I do not see the provision. Not in that way anyway … trusting God to do His thing…
Thank you for the encouragement ♥️
Hi Lisa, thanks for sharing authentically. It’s a battle. The confirmation comes first, then the time of testing, then the reward for trusting. That seems to be the pattern, at least from what I’ve experienced. God is faithful. It’s a journey, and a story that He writes through our lives. It’s worth all the discomfort to be close to Him and experience Him.
Thanks Matt for all you do.
God Bless You.
My pleasure, Joan! God bless you, too.