Merry Christmas from my home to yours… I’m happy to share this inspirational art with you!
Print it out, and use it as a unique Christmas greeting card that you can send to friends and family! This card features my latest painting, “Enjoying the Light of the World,” 8 x 10, acrylic on illustration board, completed December 2015.
If you’re not already a current subscriber to my art e-News, I’d like to keep in touch with you via email and send you more encouraging art like this and ideas about once or twice a week.
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Great to have you on board!
Now, here is the free Christmas greeting card I promised…

“Enjoying the Light of the World,” free printable greeting card, featuring 8 x 10 painting by Matt Philleo. Copyright 2015 Matt Philleo. This image may only be used as intended, for free purposes only. Resale of this image is prohibited. Any sharing, transferring, or reproduction of this image must include a credit to Matt Philleo, the artist.
First, click on this link or the image above.
It will then take to you to a page with the full-size 8 x 10 (300 dpi) image.
Then, you will need to right click on the image to save it.
Finally, print the image out on a regular 8.5″ x 11″ piece of computer paper–firm paper like card stock works best– and then cut on the dotted line to get two greeting cards! (Hint: Be sure to select landscape mode in your print preview before you print)
I hope this picture brings a little encouragement to your life and those around you! Here’s more about the painting in a blog post I wrote.
If you have any questions or comments about my art I’d sure love to hear them. Again, great to have you aboard, and I look forward to sharing more of my art with you!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Matt Philleo
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