Painting From a Dream, Finished!

Painting From a Dream, Finished!

At the end of 2019, just before the year that the world changed, I had an intense dream that woke me up with a start.

I was shocked by what I saw and knew I needed to paint it. Here is “Painting From a Dream,” completed, with video showing parts of the process as well.

I hope this painting and the message it contains both challenges and encourages you! It’s taken a while to finish the painting. But I finally have!

Some have asked me about it, so I decided it was time to post this video. This is a 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas.

Some might consider this “prophetic art.” But this really is a painting, with what I feel is a Biblical, Christian message, inspired by a dream.

Perhaps it is prophetic, especially considering the tumultuous events of the last two years!

One thing is clear: Focus on Jesus, and you won’t go wrong.

Painting from a Dream

Painting from a Dream


Today, I read a message of coming judgment that awakened me to pray more seriously.

Then I remembered how I had a dream at the end of 2019—December 29th. In the dream, there was a painting I was to do for the Lord—and had not started yet. I want to tell you about that dream and show you how I began TODAY, what I feel could be, a prophetic message displayed through an acrylic painting!

In this current pandemic season of 2020, this message might be something that the Lord wants to share with the world, and especially His people. The painting is in progress now, just started. I want to share the dream with you and show you how I began to paint this…



Please let me know what you think of this dream and painting!

May you ever draw close to God, through Jesus!


If you found this post helpful or encouraging, would you send it on ahead? Let others know with the share buttons below. I’d love to hear your comments. Thank you so much! 



Getting Ready For Falling Leaves with New Acrylic Paintings

Getting Ready For Falling Leaves with New Acrylic Paintings


It’s amazing that just the weekend before last, my family and I were out camping in a tent. We thought we were doing some fall camping, but with temperatures of close to eighty degrees at night, it was still summer, for all intents and purposes.


But how the weather in Wisconsin can change on a dime. As I write, next week we’ll hit freezing temperatures at night. The days are getting shorter again. The trees are starting to see bright red patches in the middle of green. Fall is here.


And of course, for me, that means my biggest art show of the year is almost here: the Falling Leaves Art Studio Tour. It seems like it was just a few weeks ago when I pulled my paintings off the wood-stacked wall in my friend’s makeshift gallery space, nestled in the beautiful countryside of Augusta, WI. But soon I’ll be traveling over there again–next weekend–to set up. My goal is to get there early, and set up before the wee hours of morning. Every year it’s a bit different. The wood-stack is a little taller or deeper, and you never know how your art is going to hang on it. But there’s plenty of places to drive a nail!


fine art by Matt Philleo art show 2017

Falling Leaves Art Tour, 2018 Matt Philleo setup at Ron LaBlanc’s home in Augusta, WI


I am looking forward to connecting with you and all the others who can make it out there this year. It’s always a great time.


Here are some of the new paintings I’ve been working on this year (or at least since the last art tour…) Some of these paintings will be at the show, along with a few that I don’t have room for in this post.


1. “Rebuilding the Broken


Nehemiah rebuilding the wall painting

“Rebuilding the Broken, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas, depicting Nehemiah rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, an illustration by Eau Claire fine artist Matt Philleo for a book by Russell Stendal, published by Aneko Press, 2018


“Rebuilding the Broken, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas, depicting Nehemiah rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, an illustration by artist Matt Philleo for a book by Russell Stendal, published by Aneko Press, Copyright Matt Philleo 2018. This is a painting I did as an illustration for one of Russell Stendal’s books (published by Aneko Press) on the ancient Jewish governor, Nehemiah. He writes about how Nehemiah rebuilt the wall, and how as Christians, we too can rebuild areas in our lives that have been broken down. In fact, that’s something that God specializes in. Jesus came to save, not destroy people’s lives. He comforts the brokenhearted. In the painting, you can see Nehemiah holding a scroll as he surveys the work being done on the project. But he is there, with the people, not lording it over them like a lot of governors did (and still do.) God has a blueprint, a master plan for our lives. And He came down as a man, as Jesus Christ, to become one of us, and so he knows how we feel when we are hurting. But he is able to restore us again!

2. “Come as Children”


realistic portrait children walking in nature

“Come as Children,” 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas portrait, Copyright 2017 by Matt Philleo, artist.


This is another cover illustration I did for Aneko Press on a compilation of Charles Spurgeons’ sermons on children. In the book, he shows that children are important, and we need to come to God like a little child, and treat the little children well. We need to take care of them and teach them. I decided to do a painting of my children when they were a little younger, based on a photo when we were walking in the woods. You can see their innocence and eagerness to travel down the path. I think that’s what God wants for us!

3. Commissioned 8″ x 10″ Portrait of a Young Woman


 8" x 10" realistic acrylic portrait on canvas

Commissioned portrait painted from a photo for Roger E., 8″ x 10″, acrylic on canvas, copyright 2018 by Matt Philleo, Eau Claire, WI

This is a commissioned portrait I did for a man in who lives near me, a painting of his wife. I used a series of glazes to slowly build up richness and depth on her face, hair, and sweater. I really like how this one turned out. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the process.

step by step realistic acrylic portrait

How to paint a realistic acrylic portrait of a young woman step by step using the glazing technique. 8 x10 acrylic portrait, copyright 2018 by Matt Philleo, Eau Claire artist

4. “Breakfast with the King”

acrylic painting Jesus sandals fish bread and coals

“Breakfast with the King,” 11 x 14, acrylic on canvas copyright 2017 by Matt Philleo


Another illustration for a Russell Stendal book (Aneko Press) this is a painting that shows the scene in John 21: 1-14 where Jesus meets up with the disciples after His resurrection. He cooks a breakfast for them with a fire of coals, and then Jesus has that conversation with Peter where He restores him after his denial. I really wanted to emphasize the fire, showing that Jesus will build up the fire in our hearts, a passion for Him and His kingdom, if we’ll let Him.

5. “Strength to Rise”

Peter lame man being healed Acts

“Strength to Rise”, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas by artist Matt Philleo, copyright 2017


I’ve been doing a lot of Bible scenes lately. This was yet another book cover illustration for Russell Stendal. By the way, the publisher gets to use the image for their book, but I keep the original paintings. So, if you are interested in any of these, just ask! In this painting, I illustrated the New Testament scene where Peter is on his way to the temple. There’s a crippled beggar by the entrance asking for a handout. Peter gives him a hand-up instead. “Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” (Acts 3:6) The Bible says that instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong, and He got up, praising God. I think I would be too! 

6. “Etched in Experience”

realistic acrylic portrait painting wrinkled man

“Etched in Experience” 16″ x 20″, acrylic on canvas by Eau Claire portrait artist Matt Philleo, copyright 2018


In 2016, encouraged by some other artists, I started teaching portrait classes out of my studio at Artisan Forge Studios in Eau Claire. Then I had people online asking me if I would teach a class.

Finally, in 2017, I decided to teach portrait painting classes. My first student was an elderly woman in her mid 80’s. She was so excited, she mailed me a check for the tuition!  Since that time, I’ve taught over 100 students how to paint realistic portraits in acrylic, and it’s been a great experience for me and for them.

This portrait was an example for my class specifically on painting realistic wrinkles in acrylic. One of the students sent me a photo of a distant relative. Actually, I asked my students to submit photos, and they voted on this one here. So I demonstrated how to paint wrinkles, using the glazing technique, building up value, color and detail step-by-step. I call this “Etched in Experience” because all the things this man has gone through in his life has, in part, created a story on his face, with every wrinkle.

7. “Accepted by the King”


Queen Esther Acrylic Portrait Painting

“Accepted by the King,” an acrylic painting illustration of Queen Esther standing before the King, by artist Matt Philleo, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas. Copyright 2018, Matt Philleo

What would you do if you had one chance to save yourself and your family from death? That’s the opportunity that Esther had, along with all the pressure. In fact, if she failed in her mission, she would die. This is an illustration (yes, another book cover illustration for Russell Stendal published by Aneko Press) showing the ancient Jewish Queen of Persia as she stood before the king, having entered into his palace uninvited. If he was happy with her, she lived. If not, she would die. But in that fateful moment, amazed by her beauty and courage, he held out his scepter, and granted her request.

I think that’s how God will treat us. When we come into His throne room, dressed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, He will also give us mercy and favor. We can ask him anything!


8. “48” x 72″ Commissioned Portrait, in Progress”

realistic acrylic portrait painting landscape

Commissioned portrait of couple hiking in New Zealand, in progress, 48″ x 72″ acrylic on canvas, painting, copyright 2018 by Matt Philleo

Lastly, I want to show you this painting, a work in progress. You can read more about the beginnings of it here. This is my second largest painting I’ve ever done. It fills up almost half my studio! It’s a commission from a man in Brunei, who wanted a portrait done of he and his wife climbing beautiful mountains in New Zealand. I’d say it’s about 25%  done right now. I thank God for all of His blessings, including this commission.

When it is finished, it will have to be packaged in a wooden crate to protect it in its long journey across the world. My goal is to have it finished by the end of October.

So, that a snapshot of a few of the paintings I’ve been working on this past year. I look forward to sharing them with you at the Falling Leaves Art Studio Tour!



If you have any comments or questions about what I wrote, please leave me your feedback below! I will personally get back to you. Can you help me spread the word? Please share this post with your family and friends by using the social media links on the side or below. Thank you!

Live Portrait Drawing in the Park

Live Portrait Drawing in the Park

Yesterday, I did a live portrait drawing on commission out by Phoenix Park, in Eau Claire. I met with some people last year when I was doing portraits, but we weren’t able to connect for an actual drawing.

So we set up a time and met at the gazebo right by the footbridge. I figured, that way if it rained, we would have plenty of cover. It was a bit cool, and it looked like it could rain, but we had no problems whatsoever.

I really enjoyed drawing a portrait of these three girls live. It keeps my drawing skills fresh. It’s one thing to draw from a photo, but to draw a moving three dimensional person from life is another thing entirely.

It usually takes me about 15 minutes per person, so about 45 minutes for a drawing of three people on one piece of paper.


The clients were spending the day with their grandchildren, and now they have something tangible to capture the memory! Here is what they wrote about it after the event…

“Thanks for the drawings of our granddaughters  today.  It was a very special experience!  We’ll definitely share this experience with our friends.  Best of luck always,”
Kind regards,
Mari and Keith Krenz
If you would like a portrait drawn, just let me know. I truly enjoy doing it, and it would be a wonderful way to capture a memory.
Have a blessed day,

Share Your Thoughts!

If you have any comments or questions about what I wrote, please leave me your feedback below! I will personally get back to you. Can you help me spread the word? Please share this post with your family and friends by using the social media links on the side or below. Thank you!

New Book Cover Illustration

New Book Cover Illustration

Here is a book I Illustrated for Aneko Press, a Christian book publisher from Abbotsford, Wis.

It’s about a missionary who was kidnapped by guerilla soldiers while serving in Columbia. Later, they release him, and he returns to help them work out a peace solution between rival military forces vying for control within the impoverished countryside.

The painting is an approximately 9″ x 12″, acrylic on illustration board.


Here is the final cover layout for the book. It is available at Aneko Press.

Rescue the Captors 2


Have a blessed day,



Share Your Thoughts!

If you have any comments or questions about what I wrote, please leave me your feedback below at the very bottom of the page! I will personally get back to you.
Can you help me spread the word? Please share this post with your family and friends by using the social media links on the side or at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

New Painting in Progress: “Come as Children”

New Painting in Progress: “Come as Children”

Here is a new painting in progress–a 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas. This will be a book cover for a compilation of Charles Spurgeon’s devotionals for children, called “Come Ye Children.” Based off this photo I took of my two children when we were hiking in northern Wisconsin.

Reference Photo


In Progress Painting

I start off very faint, just blocking in the colors with glazes. I mix about 90% clear acrylic medium to about 10% paint and just block in the composition, suggesting where the future colors will go. Here is my palette…


Normally, I use burnt sienna, but to challenge myself and also to enhance the color harmony within the painting, I omitted it.




Video Demonstration


The first layers consisted of raw sienna, yellow ochre, phthalo blue and indian yellow for the background, and then for the posts: raw umber dark, ultramarine blue and napthol crimson. I blocked in the blue jeans with phthalo blue, and my daughter’s pants with napthol crimson.

I’ll be posting more on this and show you the process of how the painting develops.

Have a blessed day,



Share Your Thoughts!

If you have any comments or questions about what I wrote, please leave me your feedback below! I will personally get back to you. Can you help me spread the word? Please share this post with your family and friends by using the social media links on the side or below. Thank you!


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