A Journal of Comfort, Encouragement, and Inspiration

I Almost Gave Up on Being an Artist
“Maybe I should just forget about this pipe dream of being an artist, and get a regular job again!”That’s what I told my wife in the summer of 2009. Earlier that year, I decided to go “all-in,” full-time as an artist…after losing my job as a service technician trainer at Filterqueen, a vacuum/filtration company. My job was downsized because of the Great Recession. After an insightful (and uncomfortable) conversation with my mother-in-law, I decided to not look for a job, but rather pursue my dream of being a professional artist. I had wanted to for years. “What is it that you think God has called you to do?” she asked. She noticed that I didn’t like my current job, and was almost always on the road—never home for my wife and young children.“I’ve always wanted to be a full-time artist,” I said.“Well, why aren’t you doing it, then?” she probed.“Um, because I’m afraid my bills won’t get paid,” I replied reluctantly.“What?! You can trust God to meet your needs?”It was like a dagger to the heart.This conversation took place PRIOR to my boss deciding to let me go. So, even though I didn’t see that coming, I knew I had a green light to pursue my career as an artist. I went all in!Immediately, after letting people know that this was my new path in life, I was commissioned to do a painting for a friend at church. He wanted an illustration of the “Greatest Commandment” (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.) This is what I painted for... read more
Painting From a Dream, Finished!
At the end of 2019, just before the year that the world changed, I had an intense dream that woke me up with a start. I was shocked by what I saw and knew I needed to paint it. Here is “Painting From a Dream,” completed, with video showing parts of the process as well. I hope this painting and the message it contains both challenges and encourages you! It’s taken a while to finish the painting. But I finally have! Some have asked me about it, so I decided it was time to post this video. This is a 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas. Some might consider this “prophetic art.” But this really is a painting, with what I feel is a Biblical, Christian message, inspired by a dream. Perhaps it is prophetic, especially considering the tumultuous events of the last two years! One thing is clear: Focus on Jesus, and you won’t go... read more
When You Don’t Have Enough as an Artist
Anytime you decide to do something that takes faith, you can be sure that your faith will be tested. Count on it. As a working professional artist, I can attest personally that this is true. God opened the door for me to do art full-time in the recession of 2009, when I lost a well-paying job as a traveling vacuum/ filtration equipment trainer. Before my boss gave me notice, my mother-in-law had a very frank discussion with her 32-year-old son-in-law about his future. “You’re in a dead-end job, Matt. You’re stressed out all the time, and you don’t ever see your family. What is it that you think God has called you to do?” “I’ve always wanted to be a full-time artist,” I replied. “Well, why aren’t you doing it, then?” she shot back. “Umm…because I’m afraid my bills won’t get paid?” “What!? You can’t trust God to meet your needs?” Ouch. It was a dagger straight to the heart. At that point, I knew I had to decide to do art full time, or I would regret it years later. Yes, I could trust God to meet my needs! When my boss terminated my position just a week or two later, it was like a green light to go. I was ready to say goodbye to regular employment and embark on this new adventure of professional art! Immediately, after announcing my new career to friends and family, I got commissioned portraits right away. My future was looking bright! This continued until the middle of the year, and then “the brook dried up.” I had no commissions, no income,... read more
Painting from a Dream
Today, I read a message of coming judgment that awakened me to pray more seriously. Then I remembered how I had a dream at the end of 2019—December 29th. In the dream, there was a painting I was to do for the Lord—and had not started yet. I want to tell you about that dream and show you how I began TODAY, what I feel could be, a prophetic message displayed through an acrylic painting! In this current pandemic season of 2020, this message might be something that the Lord wants to share with the world, and especially His people. The painting is in progress now, just started. I want to share the dream with you and show you how I began to paint this… Please let me know what you think of this dream and painting! May you ever draw close to God, through Jesus! —Matt If you found this post helpful or encouraging, would you send it on ahead? Let others know with the share buttons below. I’d love to hear your comments. Thank you so much! ... read more
Remembering Jesus on Easter
Easter is all about Jesus. In this video, I share some thoughts I had while praying on our large swing in the backyard, and combined it with images of paintings I did. May God bless you richly this Easter and every day as you think about Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith! All the best, P.S. Did you find this post helpful or encouraging? If so, send it on ahead! Let others know with the share buttons below. I’d love to hear your comments. Thank you so much! Also, do you have a question on acrylic portrait painting you’d like answered? Let me know, and I’d be happy to help!... read moreAbout Me
Hi, I’m Matt Philleo. I create artwork to comfort, encourage, and inspire. For those who are discouraged, brokenhearted and experiencing loss, my artwork has special meaning, often by guiding them to the One who can bring true peace and lasting joy.
I’ve been doing art on commission and exhibition on a part-time basis since 1991, and exclusively full-time since 2013. Currently, I live in Eau Claire, WI with my wife and three children.
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