Portraits to Comfort, Encourage and Inspire

"Come as Children," 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas portrait, Copyright 2017 by Matt Philleo, artist.

"Picking up the Mantle" 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas, by artist Matt Philleo

"Rebuilding the Broken, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas, depicting Nehemiah rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, an illustration by artist Matt Philleo for a book by Russell Stendal, published by Aneko Press, 2018

"Bethel Mural: The Gospel from Genesis to Revelation", by artists Dave Mattison and Matt Philleo, 2013, panel 2, detail

"Strength to Rise", 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas by artist Matt Philleo, copyright 2017

"Victory in Surrender" 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas, by Matt Philleo.
Portraits to Comfort, Encourage and Inspire
Hi, I’m Matt Philleo. Since 1991, I have been creating detailed, realistic pencil drawings and acrylic paintings on commission and exhibition.
My goal is, through beautiful and emotive art, to bring comfort, encouragement, and inspiration, especially to the discouraged and brokenhearted, so they can experience true and lasting peace.
Please contact me if you have any questions and visit my blog posts to see my most current work. If you’d like to be added to my personal and confidential email list, sign up right here.
To learn more about my custom portraits, visit TraditionStudio.com, my official commissioned artwork page
Thanks for visiting!

14″ x 17″
Pencil on Paper
- 11th Annual Artisans Showcase–Merrill, WI. February 9, 2019 | 12-4:30PM (More info)
- Realistic Acrylic Portraits: A Two-Day Worskshop. March 12-13, 10:30AM-3:30PM (More info)
Here’s the Latest From My Blog…

I Almost Gave Up on Being an Artist
“Maybe I should just forget about this pipe dream of being an artist, and get a regular job again!”That’s what I told my wife in the summer of 2009. Earlier that year, I decided to go “all-in,” full-time as an artist…after losing my job as a service technician trainer at Filterqueen, a vacuum/filtration company. My job was downsized because of the Great Recession. After an insightful (and uncomfortable) conversation with my mother-in-law, I decided to not look for a job, but rather pursue my dream of being a professional artist. I had wanted to for years. “What is it that you think God has called you to do?” she asked. She noticed that I didn’t like my current job, and was almost always on the road—never home for my wife and young children.“I’ve always wanted to be a full-time artist,” I said.“Well, why aren’t you doing it, then?” she probed.“Um, because I’m afraid my bills won’t get paid,” I replied reluctantly.“What?! You can trust God to meet your needs?”It was like a dagger to the heart.This conversation took place PRIOR to my boss deciding to let me go. So, even though I didn’t see that coming, I knew I had a green light to pursue my career as an artist. I went all in!Immediately, after letting people know that this was my new path in life, I was commissioned to do a painting for a friend at church. He wanted an illustration of the “Greatest Commandment” (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.) This is what I painted for... read more
Painting From a Dream, Finished!
At the end of 2019, just before the year that the world changed, I had an intense dream that woke me up with a start. I was shocked by what I saw and knew I needed to paint it. Here is “Painting From a Dream,” completed, with video showing parts of the process as well. I hope this painting and the message it contains both challenges and encourages you! It’s taken a while to finish the painting. But I finally have! Some have asked me about it, so I decided it was time to post this video. This is a 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas. Some might consider this “prophetic art.” But this really is a painting, with what I feel is a Biblical, Christian message, inspired by a dream. Perhaps it is prophetic, especially considering the tumultuous events of the last two years! One thing is clear: Focus on Jesus, and you won’t go... read moreI do Custom Fine Art Portraits from Your Photo.
For more info, click on the image, and it will take you to Tradition Studio.com, my official commissioned artwork website.
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